love is part 2
I wanted to share my additions to this verse as well:
Love is Patient: I think Alex summed up exactly how I feel about this line. I think this has huge signifacance. Especially if you look at all of Paul's letter's. He showed a great example of loving with patience. Philipians shows us how even while in Jail, patiently waiting the for the next step, he is able to show love by sending this letter to the church in philipi. While he could be sitting their writing about how he can't wait to get out of jail and get back to them and being negetive, he chooses to love them patiently. I also believe that it defenitly wasn't out of Paul's own strength that he was able to patiently endure but through seeking God. Which is what we will have to do in our relationship with one another. There will be times (like now) when it seems like it might kill us to have to wait one more day to see each other, then we have to turn to God and say we can't do this without you.
Love is Kind: Sometimes, I just don't feel like being kind, but in love I'm choosing to find ways to be kind to show my love. But like Alex said, I think this is one of the easier ones. Check.
It does not envy: Or in some translations "Is not jealous" The defenition for the word jealous is - Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position. basically in lamens terms this means that we are to trust. I can relate to this meaning because I have a hard time trusting, mostly God, and men. This was something Alex and I worked on early on in our relationship and think we are still very concious of this factor. Being fearful or wary of being supplanted or replaced. I think that is a common fear, I'm not good enough, when he find out my worth he going to want someone better. I think thoughts like that are holding you back from being able to fully love that person.
It does not boast:it's funny because one of the defenitions for boast is - source of pride.
It is not proud: Now this isn't extremeley biiblical but I have to think about Pride and Prejudice when I read this. They both struggled with their pride, his of his position, and her of her integrity, leading both to not be open to the posibility of love. Which leads me to an even further conclusion: close mindeness. When see someone that struggles with pride what is a fellow attribute? Close mindedness. When we are close minded we miss out on oppertunities to love others. God may have ways that are very much different than what we are usd to or think should be the way we are to love people. I defenitly could have let my pride about getting out of the AV stand in my way of recieving love from Alex. how could I possibly love someone who is in the AV. I had no idea that was where God had love for me, if I would have been prideful and said no, I would have missed out on some amazing love, encouragement, affirmation, adn growth.
It is not rude: Rude - relatively undeveloped; primitive, being in a crude, rough, unfinished condition, exhibiting a marked lack of skill or precision in work...
It is not self-seeking:See below.
It is not easily angered: See below.
It keeps no record of wrongs: This I think is the hardest. I have known what it's like first hand, many times to be repeadetly reminded of my wrong doings, notice Jesus doesn't do this. It has been such a healing thing for me to be with Alex knowing he loves me inspite of my mess ups and further more that he doesn't even acknowledge them. Love is blind.
It always protects, always trusts, and always hopes: Now, Alex's name means protector, he has done such an awsome job of protecting my heart. He knows the time appropriatness of where we are as a couple and he knows that Jesus is the best keeper of my heart and never tries to take it from him. I think we covered trust already. Hope: to wish for something with expectation of its fullfillment. Isn't that how God asks us to pray?
It always perserves. Love never fails: It is a choice! I choose to love Alex until God says no, or we leave this earth.
I absolutely loved your blog babe!
I love getting to know how you think and how you dissect Scripture. I feel like I know you a little bit better now that we've both analyzed the same verse...kinda weird, but true!
I love you
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